Saturday 25 August 2007

Day 1 - Saturday 25th August

The scorer has been waiting for the last loggers and didn't find the miracle pilot :(

18:29 - The Deputy Director has just returned from the wedding reception he had to attend - typical non pilots they ordered BBQ weather. I am just wondering if there is anything worse than a wedding reception where you can't drink or have your phone on to monitor progress.

18:28 - so now we wait for loggers from as far a field as Bury St Edmunds

17:51 - Everyone accounted for - 23 landouts and everyone else landed back
15:45 - 3 more landouts - 676, C1 and FZW
15:30 - Another 2 - KV and GW
15:26 - 5 gliders have landed out - FRZ, WE, T5, T19, 149
14:27 - First glider starts on task
14:20 - So far 5 gliders have landed back - 168, 296, 486, GCA and JCF - Relights have started
14:13 - All 60 gliders launched in 58 minutes
13:19 - Launching in Progress
13:10 - First launch at 13:15 at Task A

Tasks have been set

Task A: TST - STD - CAS - PAP - ROU - TIB
Task Type: Speed Task
Distance: 198.72km

Task B: TST - STD - CAS - ROU - TIB
Task Type: Speed Task
Distance: 161.42km

See the task map here

First Launch not before 12:00

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